Written to help you do a better job of managing your personal and family financial affairs and to help you get more for your money. You get ideas on saving, investing, cutting taxes, making major purchases, advancing your career, buying a home, paying for education, health care and travel, plus much, much more. Special issues cover the latest information about car buying (December) and Mutual Funds (March and September).
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Medicare Can Wait
Buying vs. Renting
PRICES ARE HIGHER EVERYWHERE • With inflation at a 40-year high, households are paying a lot more for groceries and gas.
READING, WRITING AND PERSONAL FINANCE • A growing number of high schools are adding personal finance to their curriculum.
PLANNING TO RELOCATE? CHECK THE WEATHER FORECAST • Extreme weather events are on the rise. If you’re moving, make sure your new home is protected from nature’s wrath.
CALENDAR 09/2022
Navigating Rough Seas • We help you chart a course through this choppy environment with our favorite exchange-traded funds.
A Guide to Our Favorite ETFs
What’s In, What’s Out, andWhy
The Kiplinger ETF 20 at a Glance
Use These Funds to Reach Your Goals
Buying and Selling ETFs • It’s easy to buy and sell shares in exchange-traded funds, buy it pays to heed a few rules.
Dip Back Into the Bond Market • In the wake of sizable losses, yields have risen to attractive levels for income-starved investors.
Apparel Stocks With Less Guilt • The industry is no standout on environmental, social and governance issues. These stocks buck the trend.
Give The Week Junior for news and ideas to inspire kids all school year long!
Recession? Don’t Freak Out
How We’re Doing So Far This Year
How to Invest for a Recession
Profiting From ESG Leaders • This global fund favors firms with high standards for their businesses.
HOW FOUR HOUSEHOLDS ARE FIGHTING INFLATION • Inflation and a possible recession affect all of us, but in different ways. We asked families in various stages of life how they are coping with the highest increase in prices in four decades.
How to Beat Inflation at Home
A Good Time to Teach Kids About Money
Use Tax Breaks to Lower College Costs • The federal government and many states offer incentives to help you save and pay for school.
Making College Affordable
THE RETIREE’S GUIDE TO GOING BACK TO WORK • Inflation and a bear market have prompted some retirees to change course.
What to Know If You’re Self-Employed
Where to Stash Your Investments • Use our guide to decide which assets belong in a taxable account and which go into a tax-advantaged account.
What to Do With Your Former Employer’s 401(k) • You have several options, each with pros and cons.
Is a Target-Date Fund Right for You?
GREAT DEALS ON FAMILY-FRIENDLY TRIPS • From camping excursions to cruises to tropical adventures, these vacation ideas are perfect for the entire family—or a special treat for just you and the grandkids.
Sharing His Path to Success • This Native American studied tech in the Air Force and landed his dream job. Now he’s giving back.